I have focussed my research program on aspects related to improving the access of marginalized students to the sciences and ways to foster future orientations in students. I am interested in the influence of empathy in technological design education and the creation of culturally embedded design problem solving in science education.
R Sutherland, D.L. & Sokal, L. Eds. 2003. Resilience and Capacity Building in Inner-City Learning Communities. Winnipeg: Portage and Main Publishing.
R Sutherland, D.L., Levine, K., Carter, M. & Cole, D. 2009. Career Trek: Research on the Impact of a Manitoba Career Exploration Intervention. Manitoba Education Research Network (MERN) Monograph Series, Issue 1.
Contributions to Books:
R Sutherland, D.L. in press. Collaborative Inquiry in Informal Learning Environments. Science Education Research in Canada. Switzerland: Springer
R. Sutherland, D.L. 2019. Chapter 5: Science Education in Manitoba. In C. Tippett and T. Milford (Eds). Science Education in Canada: Consistencies, Commonalities and Distinctions. Switzerland: Springer
R Sutherland, D.L. 2014. Secondary Science Instruction and Student Diversity. In Understanding and Addressing Student Diversity in Canadian Schools Eds. Andrews, J.J. & Lupart, J.L. Toronto: Nelson
R Sutherland, D.L. 2003. Capacity building in Inner-city Schools. In Sutherland, D.L. and L. Sokal, eds. Resilience and Capacity Building in Inner-City Learning Communities. Winnipeg: Portage and Main Publishing.
R Sutherland, D.L. & Henning, D. 2010. Responding to Glocalisation and Foundationalism in Science and Math. In D. Tippins, M. Mueller,M. van Eijck & J.D. Adams (Eds.), Cultural studies and environmentalism: The confluence of ecojustice, place-based (science) education, and indigenous knowledge systems (pp. 409-414). New York: Springer.
R Sutherland, D.L., Levine, K. & Carter, M. 2012. Measuring the Success of Indigenous Science Programs: Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge into Science for Aboriginal Youth. In Sokal, L. & McCluskey, K. Eds. 2011. Community connections: Reaching out of the ivory tower. Paris, France: International Centre for Innovation in Education.
R Sutherland, D.L. & Swayze, N. 2012. Evaluating Indigenous Science Education Programs: Applying the Ininiwi-kiskānītamowin Indigenous Science Education Model to an Informal Education Program. In R. Jorgensen, P. Sullivan and P. Grootenboer (Eds.) Pedagogies to enhance literacy and numeracy learning for Indigenous students: evidence based practice. New York: Springer.
R Aikenhead, G. S. & Sutherland, D.L. 2014. How Grassroots Indigenous Movements Can Change the Shape of Science Education in STEM around the World. Netherland: Springer.
R Bergsgaard, M. & Sutherland, D.L. 2003. Social Capital and Inner-City Schools. In Sutherland, D.L. and L. Sokal, eds. Resilience and Capacity Building in Inner-City Learning Communities. Winnipeg: Portage and Main Publishing.
R Haydey, D. & Sutherland, D.L. 2012. Research Involves a Community: The Development of a Science and Literacy Collaborative Research Project. In Sokal, L. & McCluskey, K. (Eds.) (2011). Community connections: Reaching out of the ivory tower. Paris, France: International Centre for Innovation in Education.
R Levine, K. and Sutherland, D.L. 2008. Investigating the Impact of Career Education on School Engagement: An Ecological Analysis of Risk & Resilience. In M. Unger Ed. Resilience in Action: Working with Youth Across Cultures and Contexts Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Technical Manuals
Sutherland, D. L. 2013. Special Topics in Science 40S: Lake Winnipeg. Manitoba Education and Training.
Sutherland, D. L. 2006. Biology 30S Foundation for Instruction. Manitoba Education and Training.
R Sutherland, D.L. & Najduch, A. 2005. Ecological Monitoring and Traditional Knowledge of the Big Fish River Ecosystem: A Teacher’s Guide. Fisheries and Oceans: NWT
Sutherland, D.L. 2002. Skownan: A Teacher's Guide. Winnipeg. Manitoba Education and Training.
Sutherland, D.L. 2001. Sila Alangotok – Inuit Observations on Climate Change: A Teacher’s Guide. Winnipeg: Manitoba Education and Training.
Encyclopedia Entries
R Sutherland, D.L. 2013. Indigenous and Minority Teacher Education. In Encyclopedia of Science Education, ed. R. Gunstone. Netherlands: Springer.
R Sutherland, D.L. 2013. Indigenous Knowledge and the Nature of Science. In Encyclopedia of Science Education, ed. R. Gunstone. Netherlands: Springer.
R Sutherland, D.L. 2013. Values and Indigenous Knowledge. In Encyclopedia of Science Education, ed. R. Gunstone. Netherlands: Springer.
Journal Articles
R* Sutherland, D.L. 2005. Resiliency and Collateral Learning in Science in Some Students of Cree Ancestry. Science Education 89 (4): 596-613.
R Sutherland, D.L. 1999. The treatment of knowledge. The Science Teacher, Vol. 66 (3): 40-43
R Sutherland, D.L. & Dennick, R. 2002. The influence of culture and language on students’ perception of the nature of science. International Journal of Science Education. 28 (1): 1-25.
R* Sutherland, D.L. & Henning, D. 2009. Ininiwi-kiskānītamowin: A framework for long-term science education. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 9(3): 1-18.
R Sutherland, D.L. & Klassen, S. 2007. Distinguishing Inquiry from Design in Children’s Non-fiction Science Trade Books. Alberta Journal of Science Education, October 2007.
R Sutherland, D.L., Levine, K. & Barth, B. 2005. Investigating the Impact of a Career Education Program on School Engagement. Canadian Journal of Urban Studies 14 (1): 131-157.
R* Sutherland, D. & Swayze, N. 2012. The importance of place in indigenous science education. Cultural Studies of Science Education 7(1): 83-82. Doi: 10.1007/s11422-011-9371-1
R Levine, K., Sutherland, D.L. & Cole, D. 2018. Developing a Life Long Career Development Model. Canadian Journal of Career Development 17 (2): 25-42.
R Levine, K.A. & Sutherland, D.L. 2013. History Repeats Itself: Parental Involvement in Children’s Career Explorations. Canadian Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy 47 (2): 239-255.
R Malcolm, C, Sutherland, D.L. & M. Keane. 2008. Forum: teaching IK in school science: nuances, and just do it. Cultural Studies in Science Education 3(3): 614-621.
R Swayze, N. & Sutherland, D.L. 2014. Including Indigenous Knowledges and Pedagogies in Science-based Environmental Learning Programs. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education 17: 80-96.
Non-refereed Publications
Halderson, S., Force, V. Babb, R & Sutherland D. 2020. Collective responsibility of child welfare and the school division. Leaders & Learners Issue 4: 6-8.
Janzen, M., Sutherland, D. and Levine, K. 2019. Trauma-informed classrooms can better support kids in care. The Conversation September 2, 2019
Sutherland, D. L., Doerkson, M., Hanslip, T., Roberts, J., Stewart, S., Sagnes, E., Friesen-Storz, T. 2005. Youth Volunteerism: Measuring the Benefits of Community Service Learning Programs. A Report submitted to the Knowledge Development Centre, Ottawa, Ontario.